Thursday, July 26, 2007

If I were God

If I were God what would I do?

1. I would slap myself for not believing I was omnipotent.
2. Praise myself for not being afraid of going to hell for it.
3. Slap all of those who have killed in my name.
4. Set the record straight on what is right, wrong and what I’m really indifferent to. (Due to the general ignorance of humans this would probably consume the rest of their time on Earth.)
5. In my spare time I would encourage Art, Science and the exploration of everything you might possibly imagine doing or place you could imagine going to. (As long as you didn’t purposely hurt someone physically or mentally. Unless they were going to hurt you or a loved one. And your level of response was likewise measured. Or through your own purposeful inaction caused someone to be mentally or physically hurt. Unless you would have been mentally or physically hurt by acting, but not if your own level of hurt received by acting was within reason. CRAP, were back to number 4.)


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